Teaching Series
Thursday - A Continued Triumphal Entry

Series: Advancing
Message: A Continued Triumphal Entry
Preacher: Tim Gillespie
Reflection: Kris de Bruin
Live Wonder: Jessyka Albert
Live Adventure: Jessyka Albert
Live Purpose: Kyle Smith
Editor: Becky De Oliveira

Refresh: Begin today in prayer. Ask God for understanding through the Holy Spirit and for God’s character to be revealed.

Read: Acts 8:26-40 in the New International Version (NIV). Note 1–3 insights or questions.

Reflect: Baptism is a sacrament that represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. When we are baptized, we descend into the waters, are covered by them, and emerge to a new life in Jesus. I love how William Barclay summarizes the baptismal experience;

It symbolized three things. (1) It symbolized cleansing. As the body was cleansed by the water, so the soul was bathed in the grace of Christ. (2) It marked a clean break … (3) Baptism was a real union with Christ. As the waters closed over an individual’s head, that person seemed to die with Christ. The emergence from the water was seen as rising with Christ. (The Acts of the Apostles)

This means that everything that we were before, everything that we were guilty of before, all the things that formerly laid claim to our lives, are now washed and resurrected in Jesus. Barclay explains that there was a missionary who, in baptizing new converts, had them enter the river at one end and exit on the other to mark a clean break.

The Ethiopian experienced the same death, burial, and resurrection. Before, he was in anguish about being rejected for the umpteenth time, but afterward he had joy in having been united with Christ. Through experiencing the death of Jesus, this Ethiopian encountered healing and belonging as part of the body of the church. A card-carrying full member with all the rights and benefits of belonging. Physically, he was still a eunuch—nothing had changed. But spiritually, he was a new creation.

Today, reflect on your life’s journey to this point. How has God pursued your heart to make you realize that you belong to Him no matter what you have done or where you have been? His redeeming grace is available to you—making you a full card-carrying member of His family and kingdom.

Recalibrate: What does it mean to experience the death of Jesus in your own life?

Respond: Take time to be silent with Jesus in your prayer time. Listen.

Research: Read and reflect on Romans 6:1-14 (NLT).

Recharge: Wonder/Adventure/Purpose

Write out a timeline of your child’s life. What were some of the major moments: birth, first cold, first words, first steps? Even a new baby needs Jesus to bring newness and life to them each day. Pray with your child that Jesus bring newness to their life and yours.

Do you have an old toy that is broken? Maybe a bike with chipped paint? Wouldn’t it be great if things like these could become brand new again? Jesus does that with our hearts. He makes them new again. Pray with your family that He makes you brand new each day!

Have you been baptized? If not, what is stopping you from taking the next step with Jesus? If you have been baptized, how has your life changed since that day? Did you experience any “clean breaks” as described above, causing you to go down new, uncharted paths in your life?

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